Supported Living - easy read

What is Supported Living?
Ategi's Supported Living service will support you to live in your own home and develop your skills.

Support you to do the activities you enjoy
Our support workers will support you to do all the activities you enjoy. We can develop and grow your skills.

Help you feel confident
Our support workers will build your confidence and skills so you can live independently and be part of your community.

We support lots of different people
If you're an adult with support needs then Ategi might be able to support you.

How can we support you?
We find what you like to do and support you to develop your skills. We supported Trevor to play golf.

How can I start being supported by Supported Living?
1. Ask to be referred through your social worker
2. If you have your own money you can refer yourself.
How can I start being supported through Supported Living?
Through the Local Authority
You can be referred through to our service via the Local Authority, then they can organise funding to support your care plan.
Refer yourself
If you'd like to use our service, and you have the funds available, you can self-refer and we can start looking into your care plan straight away.