Exploring Shared Lives: A Channel 4 News special
At Ategi, we know just how important it is to support people with additional needs to live their best life, their way. That is what we are all about, whether we are supporting people through our supported living, community support services, or through one of our Shared Lives schemes.
Just like everyone else, people with additional needs have their own skills, strengths, interests and goals. Some people may need a little support to be able to achieve their goals and experience equality of opportunity. This type of support can enable people to make decisions and take control across many aspects of their life, from where they live, how they spend their time such as learning, working, volunteering, and engaging in hobbies, through to maintaining friendships and relationships, socialising and travelling.
Big changes in life – finishing education, leaving home, moving house and planning for the future can be difficult for everyone, but in particular for people with learning disabilities as well as their family and friends. Supporting people to plan and manage these changes, alongside the families who support them is an important part of how we support people coming into Ategi or support them to move on.
For people who support a family member with a learning disability, planning for that person’s future is often at the back of their mind – particularly as family carers get older. Shared Lives can be a great option for someone who as always lived in a family environment. They could even adapt slowly by having short breaks with a Shared Lives carer, before potentially moving in.
We’re delighted to see Channel 4 News investigating and showcasing Shared Lives. Channel 4 News on Twitter: “It’s about opening your house to somebody else and having someone to share your life with.” People with learning disabilities are generally living longer, which is brilliant. However, this can create challenges for carers. Andy and Emma show Ruben Reuter an alternative solution to caring as people age.
Watch Channel 4's news piece here
If you are interested in finding out more about whether Shared Lives might suit you, or the person you support please get in touch with us on info@ategi.co.uk
Find out more about becoming a Shared Lives carer with Ategi

"We’re delighted to see Channel 4 News investigating and showcasing Shared Lives." Ategi
“It’s about opening your house to somebody else and having someone to share your life with.” Channel 4 News
About the author
Alice Peycke
Alice has worked in a number of charities and organisations in the UK and New Zealand, leading and developing a wide range of services. In New Zealand, Alice primarily worked on issues around homelessness and housing for health, local authority and a social landlord. Previously in the UK, Alice was part of the leadership team for Toynbee Hall, leading diverse services around wellbeing.