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Carers Week spotlight: celebrating Jayne's 16 years with Ategi

As part of our 30th-anniversary celebration and in honour of Carers Week, Ategi is spotlighting some of our long-standing staff members whose dedication and hard work have been the backbone of our success. One such person is Jayne, who has been with Ategi for the last 16 years. Throughout those years, she has been committed to supporting others.

Jayne began her career with Ategi as a support worker, stepping into Supported Living. Our support workers aim to assist people in leading independent lives, tailored to their specific needs. Jayne thrived in this role, her adaptable nature and eagerness to meet new people making her a perfect fit for the Supported Living team.


Supported Living at Ategi involves support workers developing close relationships with the people they support, catering to a range of needs. One of the most memorable people Jayne supported was Maxine, who required 24-hour support. Jayne and Maxine built a strong bond, with Jayne playing a pivotal role in helping Maxine find her a more suitable home. The joy and excitement Maxine felt upon moving into her new flat remains a deeply rewarding memory for Jayne.

"Supported living is... You go to their own homes. You support them to try and be as independent as possible and try and reach the goals /they'd like to achieve. It can take a lot of patience."

Jayne (Ategi Staff)

After her impactful work in Supported Living, Jayne transitioned to Community Support, a different but equally vital role. Community Support involves helping individuals engage in various activities to build confidence and independence, providing respite for families and main carers, and ensuring the people we support enjoy their time in the community. Jayne's dedication and ability to learn new skills have significantly and positively impacted her in this role.

Jayne’s insights into Supported Living and Community Support highlight the importance of patience and understanding. She cherishes moments when the people she has supported have achieved their goals.

Jayne & Trevor

"When you can see they appreciate it, and they're willing to do different things. It does give you, like, a little glow to think, oh, like, some people that have come to Ategi, they can't put the kettle on. And then, after a while, you're supporting them step-by-step, it's amazing how good it feels when they can do it"

Jayne (Ategi Staff)

Throughout her 16 years at Ategi, Jayne has maintained strong relationships with her colleagues, demonstrating the supportive and evolving nature of Ategi. Her growth reflects Ategi’s commitment to continuous learning and development, which enhances the skills of our staff and positively impacts the lives of those we support.

As we celebrate our 30th year, we are grateful for dedicated staff members like Jayne. Her hard work and compassion continue to make a difference, showcasing Ategi as not only a great place to work but also a provider of exceptional services in Supported Living and Community Support.

Do you want to find out more about our services?

Could you become a support worker for Ategi?

Speak with one of the team today!

01443 484 400

About the author

Ategi comms

This post was written by the Ategi comms team.