Ategi donates to local foodbank
Ategi delivered a 36kg donation to the Pontypridd Foodbank this week!
Ategi has been collecting donations to take to the local food bank over the Christmas period and as a reverse advent, with employees donating an item on each day of advent either directly into a box in the office or at home and then bringing it in. We deliberately chose to donate after Christmas when foodbanks might be feeling the pressure more. Items included tinned foods, i.e. soups and beans; packet foods such as rice and pasta; and also useful items such as sanitary products, fabric conditioner and dog food.
“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”
In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. The Trussel Trust support more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK, including the Pontypridd Foodbank. The Pontypridd Foodbank don’t think anyone in the community should have to face going hungry. That’s why they provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
Find out about the Trussel Trust and local food banks you can donate to, or benefit from, here

Kate and Karen dropping off Ategi's donation to the Pontypridd foodbank
About the author
Ategi comms
This post was written by the Ategi comms team.